"Pick My Brain" Session
I love connecting with other writers and authors, providing resources, brainstorming ideas, and looking at potential partnerships.
Starting a YouTube channel has made my indie author business grow and expand quicker than I thought, and I am thankful and blessed for being able to support fellow writers and self-published authors.
I try to help and talk to everybody who needs or wants to talk to me. Every week I receive a handful of emails or direct messages on social media from people or organizations looking for me to initiate a conversation, provide them with resources about self-publishing or help them brainstorm and strategize marketing plans to help with book sales.
I don’t want to leave them hanging. I also can’t give away hours on free advice. I have developed the “Pick My Brain” session as a solution and an answer to these requests.

A “Pick My Brain” session can be a “No Agenda. Just Connection.” call or a “Fully Loaded, High-value” meeting that can get you started and guide you in the right direction.
You can choose between
Quick Solutions
a 10-minute session
Quick, to the point, get your question answered, get feedback
$15 per session
Detailed Conversation
a 50-minute session
Honest and valuable conversation, insight, ideas, resources
$75 per session
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
What This Session is NOT
This session is not meant to offer you detailed feedback on your manuscript.
I am not providing a bunch of names of people that you can call and bother to sell your book. This is a networking session to allow you to bounce off ideas and ask questions; please do not ask me to review your book.
I do not share information about my network broadly. I can offer some suggestions, but I will not blast my network or promote your book to my community (on YouTube, Instagram, or in my newsletter).
Fill out this INTAKE FORM to get started. 48 hours after receiving the Intake form, you will receive a follow-up email with the next steps and a calendar invite.